Auto Admin

Some users would prefer to email someone instead of learning how to use NPO App. The Auto Admin allows a user or guest to email the Auto Admin email to perform many tasks. This will increase the adoption rate by users and the overall success of the solution.

Add a log entry

Complete todays activity data

Complete forms

Interact with the helpdesk

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Branding/Your Website

We help maintain your website and keep your visitors on your organization’s site. Each navigation away from your organization’s website is a chance to lose a new donor.

Manage and maintain a calendar

Manage and maintain events events

Manage and maintain funds

Add buttons or links for donations, help desk or to access the guest portal

Use your own email addresses for popular features

See it in action. Click here to see an example website using NPO App managed features. Once on the example site, click on the gear icon (left side of page) and then click hide/show site to get more help and to see just the features managed by NPO App.

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More than just events, get documents and update activity data directly from the calendar.

Public and organizational view

Easily and quickly update or view activity forms and data

Programs and Events will automatically populate the calendar

Integrate your organizations Google calendar

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Offers all the features of Contacts with additional security and confidentiality.

Clients can be anonymous, identified by a number, handle or username

Designed to securely store and access session data, health information or other sensitive data

Restrict access to only those users who need access

Custom fields, forms and dashboards

Use Auto Admin to enter session notes and other forms via email

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Contact relationship management (CRM) for any type of contact including donors, volunteers, staff, members, customers and even your own custom types.

Records automatically created with each interaction with NPO App

Activity log is automatically updated with events, mailings, donations, help desk and more

Custom fields, forms and dashboards

Use Auto Admin to enter log entries and other forms

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Most of NPO App is customizable. If fact, most of the frames in NPO App were built with our screen and form builder.

Custom menus, tabs and actions

Custom fields, forms and pages

Custom reports

And much, much more. Contact us

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Easily visualize your data with stunning dashboards. Enhance your presentations by using the dashboard graphs and charts.

Dashboards are available and can be configured for the organization or the individual client or contact

Filter results

Change the type of chart

Easily save the chart as an image

For even more analysis, export your data to Microsoft Excel (Office Open XML file format)

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Documentation and Notes

Documention is available from every page for the solution, your organization and even your own personal notes.

Add your own help documentation notes to any page

View help specific to your organization

View solution help from any page

Help center

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Easliy take and track donations. Donation form is integrated on your website.

Get the form you want with point and click form customization

Supports subscriptions, suggested amounts, option to cover processing fee, directed donations, dedicate gift, comments, required fields and more.

Take donations over the phone or in person as well as online.

Donors can use the guest portal to manage subscriptsions and more

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Create and manage events that are instantly published on your website. Visitors can purchase tickets or merchandise without leaving your website.

Events are automatically posted to your website on the start and end dates you specify

Supports all types of tickets and merchandise, including the ability to have special promotions (example: for early purchasers).

Tickets and invoices emailed after purchased

Import attendance and log entries at the same time

Take event orders over the phone or in person as well as online

Customers/Donors can use the guest portal to reprint event tickets and invoices

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File Manager

Upload and access your files from any device. Share them or keep them confidential.

Manage drives, folders and files

Drives can be shared by the organization or specific to a user

Files can be shared via a link for public access

Easily use your images when creating mailers with Mail Assistant

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Forms can easily be created and used most anywhere in NPO App. From intake to surveys and everything in between.

Forms can be added to menus tabs, actions, calendar, emails and more

Form data can be entered individually or as a group

Forms are available for public and private use.

Form Builder for creating and updating forms

Use Auto Admin to enter forms via email

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Create and manage funds that are instantly published or updated on your website. Visitors can donate directly to a fund.

Funds are automatically posted to your website on the start and end dates you specify

A quick access to donation button is available with each fund that will direct the donation to the fund

Funds will automatically be available on the donation form

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Help Desk

Probably one of the least thought about but most versatile solutions. Simple way to track requests and questions. Make sure requests and questions get to the right person and nothing falls through the cracks.

Save your team's time with auto responses

Incoming requests are automatically routed to the correct users

Supports types, subtypes, custom lookups and teams

Use Auto Admin to interact with the help desk.

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Mail Assistant

Coming Soon

Easily send out regular emails or emails for a specific campaign. Import and create new templates.

Basic and advanced design mode. Basic mode design will work for most users to update templates quickly and easily without issues. Advanced mode allows complete editing, including the ability to create new templates.

Import your existing and new templates from popular sites.

Email to a list of contacts on a specified date

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A portal is available for clients, donors, customers and more to give them instant access to information. This frees up your team.

Easy to register from website or email link

Dashboards for giving and help desk

Review and cancel subscriptions

Access events, tickets, invoices, donations, gift receipts

Manage account profile and personal data

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Define, record activities or outcomes, track, analyze and report on all your programs and services.

Define your services and when your services are available

Create or attach forms and content to a public or private organizational calendar

Enter data for a single event or individual as well as in a grid for multiple entries

Import data from Microsoft Excel (Office Open XML file format)

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On screen and printed reports are available for every aspect of NPO App.

Easily create new reports

Report favorites shows on menu for quick access

View, reorder, filter data right on the screen

Copy, print, export to pdf or export to Microsoft Excel (Office Open XML file format)

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