Passionate about helping Nonprofit Organizations

Our Goal

Provide Small and Medium Nonprofit Organizations with the same technology and support that large for profit businesses leverage every day for capacity building and sustainability.

From The Founders

After running software businesses that delivered mission critical software in the public sector and in the private sector for Fortune 500 companies for over 30 years, we founded NPO App. It all comes down to taking our experience building large enterprise-level, secure applications and channeling that knowledge into an affordable solution for nonprofits that is powerful, yet easy to use.

NPO App is focused on being an all-in-one application that contains all of the solutions needed to run a nonprofit’s entire organization. A nonprofit should not have to focus on technology. A nonprofit should be focused on its mission.

All too often nonprofits cobble together operation solutions with multiple apps, databases and spreadsheets. This means their data remains siloed when the funding community is becoming increasing data-driven. Funders want to see the program and activities data. They are using that data to make critical funding decisions, looking at the nonprofit’s mission in comparison to its outcomes.

We built NPO App for this new funding environment. With NPO App your data is not disjointed or stuck in multiple apps, databases and spreadsheets. All of your data is in one place. What’s more is that NPO App is easily customized for the most complex programs.

Use NPO App to easily create reports, cool charts, graphs and dashboards to attract and secure the funding you need to sustain and grow your mission. We look forward to helping the nonprofit community.